Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, July 6, 2008

almost 1/4 the way done!

holy geez, almost 10 weeks already.
We had some trouble last week, but thanks to some extra progesterone, things seem to have gotten back to normal. YIPPEE!

HOly is REALLY twins!

I forget every couple of hours and then I remember again. We checked out a bunch of books from the library about twins, but mostly all they have to say is how you will be tired and worn out. Big surprise!

anyhow, it is fun watching them float around on the cartoon baby-brine thingy on my blog.

babies are WEIRD!


supermiffy said...

Babies ARE weird!!! And we'll have twice the weirdness!!!


Jeffrey said...

Goat bills!!!

karmadog said...

mmm.... gaahhh? 2 babies?

Crazy lady.

supermiffy said...

I make good babies...shey not make 2 at the same time and go out with a BANG!