Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, October 17, 2008

twin-insanity setting in

okay...not to make every entry about having twins, but......

I am soooooo restless. I am going out of my mind! All I can think about is twins..... twin stuff, twin names, if there is enough room for them when they get here. On and on it goes! It is as if I had never had a kid before.

I guess it is a little hard to get off of the mind when they are physically attached to my body 24 hours a day. I just keep thinking of how many more days, how many weeks until the 36 week goal (less than 11 weeks left!) and how well Jeff will do when I go back to work.

Certainly, I feel more comfortable leaving them with him than with anyone else I know. He is more calm and relaxed than just about anyone else I have met. this is good, because I would assume there will be moments of temporary insanity once the stinkers arrive. On the other hand, I can be a bit,....well,....shall we say.... "controlling", and a bit of a micro-manager. Good when things just need to get done, bad when patience and letting somethings go when needed. Not so good when total chaos occurs and I feel the need to have things go a certain way when there is NO WAY possible for it to happen.

Jeff could have the living room on fire and just be calm and cool the whole time. He would say something like this when I came home:

Jeff: "Hi...nice day at work?"

me: " uh, why does the house smell like smoke?"

j: "oh, you know, just a little fire this you wanna take Abby to tae kwon do, or should I?"

me: "uh....WHY does the house smell like SMOKE?!!!"

jeff: " you know, things burn, you put them out. I'll get the carpet cleaner out later and wash the burn-marks. Abby needs to be at class in 15 or me driving?"

me: "Uh....excuse me, but WHY WAS THE HOUSE ON FIRE?"

j: Oh, who knows, Mallory was riding the dog and knocked over a candle. on the upside it sorta smells like autumn apple candles mixed with that nice roasted marshmallow smell...should last a while"

Me: "what?"
jeff: " um...the fire is, we have about 12 minutes to get abby to class...."

It used to drive me nuts how calm he can worries. Now it has started to rub off on me.

I like him. I think I'll keep him around!


karmadog said...

He weren't always thataway.

supermiffy said...

maybe he saw my insanity and decided to be a calm guy?
he said" you're an I see why NOT to get upset!"

glad my nuttiness was good for something!