Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, December 22, 2008

2 more weeks?! aaaaaaarrrgggh!

I have officially reached the "please! no more!" stage with the pregnancy. I am happy and grateful for my health and the overall amazingly healthy pregnancy so far.

Now that I have said that.....someone please listen to me whine for a moment or 2!

I found out last Tuesday that I had not actually used up my vacation days for this year...I thought I had only one 8-hour day left, when I actually had 48 hours (6 whole days) left. Good news, in most ways, but not-so-good when I had to call my boss and let her know I needed to take 5 more vacation days during the busiest last 2 weeks of the year. I'm pretty sure she was not pleased.

It could not have come at a better time... I have had off 6 days in a row, and I am finding it hard to just walk around or sit without being in pain or being annoyed. I know it is best for the babies to make it to the new year, however, they certainly feel as if they are big enough now. I keep hoping they will be 6 pounds and then i will be done. I am supposed to make it to the 36 week mark.....only 14 more days, yet I keep thinking...why not 2 more days, or NOW!

My stress level from work is at a high....I have 2 feuding members of my management team, of which one seems hell-bent on trying to get anyone fired before her....or to try and get rid of me. Sad what things people will resort to when they feel threatened. the main person at the root of the problem has just about everyone in the building so paranoid and stressed that they cannot do their jobs. Here is the pickle...I have one manager (me) and 3 sales leaders (like assistant mgrs.). To run the store, the 4 people is ideal. If/when I do go on leave, that leaves no captain of the ship. Factor in one of the remaining 3 has only had the job about a month...she is still learning the job. The other 2 are at odds....the problem mostly being one lady trying her damnedest to make life a living hell for the other. The last lady is just a nice "people-pleaser" type who is an absolute wreck because she is afraid to do anything wrong. I don't blame her.

In the meantime, there have been snowstorms, cash overage/shortages and problems EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT I HAVE BEEN GONE.

Seriously, people? come on! It is ONLY LOTION!!!!!!

If we had not had the crazy amount of snow and horrible weather, I would have gone in to check on things and lay down the law. nope. can't so that right now because of the horrible snowstorms and windstorms. I will finally go back to work tomorrow and hopefully these 3 ladies have not collectively run things into the ground. I only hope that my lack of being there will not come back to bite me in the ass....who knows what nonsense the one employee has been up to while I have been absent. At this point, I don't even know WHO will be running my store while I am gone.

So, I have ranted and gone on long enough. Back to the salt mines tomorrow. In a perfect scenario, I'll work this week, the babies will be over 6 pounds, and I'll go into labor on Dec 28th and not have to come back to work for the last 3 days of the year. If not, I guess I'll just have to keep on keepin' on.

Until then.... WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Calgon, take me away!


karmadog said...

not calgon, but I wish I could visit. I hate the snow. Can't get anywhere, do anything, etc.
Checked out your walmart list, what do you guys need the most...Want to get the most useful item/items. Glad to hear everyone is healthy! Take care and I'll be wishing you the best and quickest labor thoughts on the 28th!

supermiffy said...

Whiskey, Greg, what we need most is very strong whiskey. I know it's probably not on the WalMart list but, y'know, consider that an addendum, 'k?

supermiffy said...

alright, that was JEFF in the last comment...not the mommy!

Anyhow, I think the list has been revised. What we want and need most are DISPOSABLE newborn and size one huggies diapers. anyone kind enough to come by with a HUGE box of diapers will not be turned away.
that, and already-prepared food. all caserole dishes will be washed and returned promptly!
Come by often, extra arms are welcome!