Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, September 14, 2007

I almost killed a little cow this morning

Yep, you read right, I nearly decapitated a small bovine this morning at about 840 am.

NOW before you get all worked up, let me explain myself....

I went to see a lovely doctor named o'meara this mornign for follow up on my wounded paw. He asked if it had improved at all with the month's worth of physical therapy, and I had to say NO, because it was not improving.

SO he asks me if I am willing to try a cortisone shot....I say yes knowing that these foot shots are quite painful...I had one about 12 years ago when I was working on some trails in Colorado during my year with Americorps.

I am not a fan of needles, like many people....I have been known to SKIP doctor appointments when pregnant if I KNOW there is going to be blood drawn that day.

So, I knew it would hurt A LOT, and I knew there would be at least 3 shots involved, so I decided to lay back so I could not see them work on me...good decision.

the nurse hands me a cute little foam rubber cow and says...

"grab this, you;re gonna need it"

me: "uh, what?"

nurse: "really, you're gonna want to hold onto that little cow, TRUST me!"

me; "um.......ah, is this gonna be really really bad?"

doctor and nurse together: " YES!!!"

what followed was a rather comical routine involving me, 2 physicians, a rubber cow and a series of howls that had the nurse and doctor cracking up.

Apparently, they have never heard someone scream out the phrase " OH MYLANTA!!!!" while giving one of these shots.

Just when I thought they were done, I ask " Is it done, was that the most painful part?"

doctor: "well, maybe...I mean, I hope so? Uh, probably, I guess"

Me: " waaaaaaahhhhh,,,, oooooooh, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

again, the doctor and nurse found my reaction of squeals and laughter to be surprising.

Meanwhile, I am squeezing the living hell out of the cow.

Doctor: "we're all done here...that was fun! would you like another?"

me: "uh, here's your really helped! I hope I didn't hurt it"

nurse: "that's okay, most people rip the head off or throw it at us after they kick the doctor in the head"

Me; "man that was painful!"
doctor: " yeah we find it is best not to tell people that it is the most painful shot we give....otherwise they change their were pretty good about it....most people kick me and swear."

me: "uh, thank you?"

let's hope it does the trick!

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