Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Blah, Blah blah, yada, yada, blah

In the ongoing and everyday renewed quest to try and un-do and do less everyday, I have decided that I should just speak less when I feel the need to speak more.

Today when I got to work I was really very annoyed at my 2 co-workers because they were late AGAIN. I get to work at 420 A.M. That's right, a.m.

The store opens at 5 a.m so there is only about 25 minutes to make everything you need to start serving those folk who get up riiiiiily early in the morning.

When there is only 25 minutes, if someone is late, we cannot go into the store until they get there, so if they are 5 or 10 minutes late, guess who gets to bust their ass making coffee and tea and ice and everything

If it were only once in a while, I wouldn't mind, but when it is the same 2 people, every single time, it gets old real fast.

So instead of stomping around, or being sarcastic, or commenting at all, I decided to follow that old-school style mom advise.

if ya can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
I just wanted to simmer my Latina-hot-blood-thirst temper. Well, it worked great. I felt just great and it wet a good tone for the day. Of course my fellow starbuckians were a little weirded out that I was not in my usually great 430 in the morning mood.
Anyhow, I worked so well, that later today, after having a flurry of thoughts and stupid self-doubting moments I turned to Jeff and said:
"that's it. I'm going silent for the next three days until this blows over"
Of course, he was ready to call my bluff and said: "Why don't you make it 5 days?"
We have tried this before for and hour or 4 or 5, of for an entire evening....seems easy enough, but try it with 3 kids and it seems a little more complicated at second glance.
Anyhow, I thought, why not? I was thinking a good way to communicate the necessary was to speak in Spanish, or to switch to Spanish-only for the kids because they are far from being fluent yet.
No sooner had I thought it, than Jeff says : "solo Spanish?
Abby and I laced up our shoes and I got ready for another run with her. she only needs her shoes. I , unfortunately, have to put on a large arsenal of bras to keep my "girls" form smacking me in the face. Seriously, who wants to show up for work with a pair of black eyes?
(co-worker): "oh, my, chana has black eyes, is her hubby beating her?
(me): "uh, no, sorry, I just went for a 2 mile jog...forgot to put on 3 sports bras...oops"
All joking aside, we had a great run...this time she had a hard time keeping up with me...I guess I must be getting a little faster? I only answered in yes/no, or in, can that kid talk a lot! I know where she gets it...Jeff and I are definitely not the silent types, but we are trying to change that a little bit.
So here we go on another silly messerman-style experiment with our kids in tow.
Saying less is always a pretty good policy. President Bush should try it more often.
Check out this cool clip of blah blah says it all, except Jeff did not draw me wearing my strawberry bucket-hat.

If you call the house and someone answers in Spanish, don't worry, you got the right number.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Emilie is a non-stop talker, too. Wow! If there is silence, she fills it.

But the stuff that comes out of a child's mouth is so incredible that I wish I had a tape recorder running during all of her waking hours.